Reproduced from tao12345666333 My Vim setting and junegunn’s Writing my own Vim plugin manager.
- Current vim needs python support, run follow command to check.
vim --version | grep +python
- Dependencies(Debian/Ubuntu platform)
sudo apt-get install python vim exuberant-ctags git
sudo pip install dbgp vim-debug pep8 flake8 pyflakes isort
- Dependencies(RedHat/CentOS platform, recommend to have python2.7 or later)
sudo yum install python vim ctags git
sudo pip install dbgp vim-debug pep8 flake8 pyflakes isort
- Dependencies(Mac OS platform)
brew install python vim git
wget && tar -zxvf ctags-5.8.tar.gz && cd ctags-5.8 && ./configure && make && sudo make install
sudo pip install dbgp vim-debug pep8 flake8 pyflakes isort
- Download vimrc file to user home directory
wget -O $HOME/.vimrc
- Open Vim and install plugins automatically
vim -E -u $HOME/.vimrc +qall
- Use Vundle to manage automatically the plugins
- Git support (within vim)
- Tag support, use to list all variables
- Strong automatic completion
- Support markdown preview
sudo npm -g install instant-markdown-d
use :InstantMarkdownPreview
can invoke markdown preview in your browser
- More supports can be found on GitHub
As the author mentioned, vim-plug is positioned somewhere between Pathogen and Vundle, but with the new parallel update feature.
Download the plug.vim file from GitHub and put it in ~/.vim/autoload.
mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim
And it doesn’t require any unfathomable boilerplate code in your .vimrc, you just write down the list of plugins with Plug command between plug#begin() and plug#end(). That’s all you have to do. Here I use the .vimrc created by the author of vim-plug and replace the old one.
Now you are loaded with the essential :PlugInstall, :PlugUpdate, :PlugClean, and :PlugUpgrade commands. PlugInstall and PlugUpdate will install and update plugins in parallel if you’re running a Ruby-enabled Vim.