Git on the Server

#notes #Git #SSH

Adapted from Pro Git and git wiki.

A remote repository is generally a bare repository — a Git repository that has no working directory. Because the repository is only used as a collaboration point, there is no reason to have a snapshot checked out on disk; it’s just the Git data. In the simplest terms, a bare repository is the contents of your project’s .git directory and nothing else.

The SSH Protocol

To clone a Git repository over SSH, one can use the shorter scp-like syntax for the SSH protocol:

    git clone user@server:/full/path/to/project.git

Getting Git on a Server

In order to initially set up any Git server, one has to export an existing repository into a new bare repository - a repository that dosen’t contain a working directory. (Make sure its already a git repository, if not, use git init, git add filenames etc.) By convention, bare repository directories end in .git, like so:

    git clone --bare my_project my_project.git

One should now have a copy of the Git directory data in my_project.git directory. It takes the Git repository by itself, without a working directory, and creates a directory specifically for it alone.

Putting the Bare Repository on a Server

Now that you have a bare copy of your repository, all you need to do is put it on a server and set up your protocols. Let’s say you’ve set up a server called that you have SSH access to, and you want to store all your Git repositories under the /srv/git directory. You can set up your new repository by copying your bare repository over:

    scp -r my_project.git

At this point, other users who have SSH access to the same server which has read-access to the /srv/git directory can clone your repository by running

    git clone

But, it may still be an empty repository, commit and push from your local directory my_project may needed. Specifically, for the first time, they are

    git remote add origin  #set new remote repository URL
    git remote -v    #verifies the new remote URL
    git remote --help  # for more help
    git push origin master    #pushes the changes in your local repository up to the remote repository you specified as origin 

If a user SSHs into a server and has write access to the /srv/git/my_project.git directory, they will also automatically have push access.

Git will automatically add groupe write permissions to a repository properly if you run the git init command with --shared option.

    cd /srv/git/my_project.git
    git init --bare --shared

It’s important to note that this is literally all you need to do to run a useful Git server to which several people have access — just add SSH-able accounts on a server, and stick a bare repository somewhere that all those users have read and write access to. You’re ready to go — nothing else needed.