Compile Netlib Libraries

#notes #Blas #Lapack #ScaLapack #Shared

This post aimes to note the procedures in building some math libraries.

Compile BLAS Library

Downloading the Blas library from netlib-blas, and unpack it to BLAS_DIR.

    cd $BLAS_DIR
    #compile to shared library: -fPIC (Position Independant Code), -shared (shared library)
    gfortran -shared -O2 *.f -o -fPIC     #compile to shared library
    #compile to static library
    gfortran -O2 -c *.f -fPIC 
    ar cr libblas.a *.o              #combine the .o files into a static library

    sudo cp libblas.* /usr/local/lib

Compile LAPACK Library

Same to BLAS, source files can be downloaded from netlib-lapack, and it was unpacked to $LAPACK_DIR. For the moment I writing this post, the latest available is the VERSION 3.7.0 (released at December 2016).

As indicated in the file $LAPACK_DIR/, Lapack need BLAS routines. User can either use the BLAS comes with the Lapack, or original BLAS as done in the previous section. Lapack suggest the latter way for efficiency consideration.

Compile into Staic Library

    cd $LAPACK_DIR
    #set the correct BLASLIB
    BLASLIB = $BLAS_DIR/libblas.a   #if use original BLAS
    make blaslib                    #if use BLAS comes with Lapack
    make lapacklib

    sudo cp liblapack.a /usr/local/lib

Compile into Shared Library

To compile it to shared library, we need make more changements>. For user who use original BLAS, they are

    cd $LAPACK_DIR
    Adding -fPIC to OPTS and NOOPT in
    Set BLASLIB = $BLAS_DIR/ in 
    Set LAPACK_DIR = liblapack.soin

    #in the file ./SRC/Makefile, the following three lines
        $(RANLIB) $@
    #should be changed to
        $(LOADER) $(LOADOPTS) -shared -Wl,-soname, -o $@ $(ALLOBJ) $(BLASLIB) $(ALLXOBJ) $(DEPRECATED)

    make lapacklib

    sudo cp /usr/local/lib

For the version I downloaded, after running the above commands, errors occured as below

    ztplqt.o: In function `ztplqt_':
    ztplqt.f:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `ztplqt_'
    ztplqt.o:ztplqt.f:(.text+0x0): first defined here
    ztplqt2.o: In function `ztplqt2_':
    ztplqt2.f:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `ztplqt2_'
    ztplqt2.o:ztplqt2.f:(.text+0x0): first defined here
    ztpmlqt.o: In function `ztpmlqt_':
    ztpmlqt.f:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `ztpmlqt_'
    ztpmlqt.o:ztpmlqt.f:(.text+0x0): first defined here
    collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
    Makefile:511: recipe for target '../' failed
    make[1]: *** [../] Error 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/jinming/soft/lapack-3.7.0/SRC'
    Makefile:27: recipe for target 'lapacklib' failed
    make: *** [lapacklib] Error 2

Using grep command

    grep -n 'ztpmlqt' . -R *

    SRC/ztpmlqt.f:10:*> <a href="">
    SRC/ztpmlqt.f:12:*> <a href="">
    SRC/ztpmlqt.f:14:*> <a href="">
    SRC/Makefile:463:   ztplqt.o ztplqt2.o ztpmlqt.o \
    SRC/Makefile:467:   ztplqt.o ztplqt2.o ztpmlqt.o \
    SRC/CMakeLists.txt:453:   ztplqt.f ztplqt2.f ztpmlqt.f
    SRC/CMakeLists.txt:457:   ztplqt.f ztplqt2.f ztpmlqt.f

we can found there are two duplicated lines in SRC/Makefile and SRC/CMakeLists.txt as already reported on Github, issue 105. Delete the duplicated lines, re-run make lapacklib will generate our shared library
If we use BLAS comes with Lapack, some other changements need to make for compiling BLAS. They are

    Set BLASLIB = ../../ in

    #in the file ./BLAS/SRC/Makefile, the following three lines
        $(ARCH) $(ARCHFLAGS) $@ $(ALLOBJ)
        $(RANLIB) $@
    #should be changed to
        $(LOADER) $(LOADOPTS) -z muldefs -shared -Wl,-soname, -o $@ $(ALLOBJ)

    make blaslib    #before make lapacklib

Compile LAPACKE Library

LAPACKE is a C interface to LAPACK. By default, LAPACKE is already inside the LAPACK package, i.e., $LAPACKE_DIR=$LAPACK_DIR/LAPACKE.


    #compile static library
    set BLASLIB and LAPACKLIB with appropriate static libraries in ../
    make lapacke       #build static library: liblapacke.a

    #compile shared library
    Adding -fPIC to CFLAGS in ../

    #in the file ./src/Makefile, the following three lines
       $(RANLIB) $@
    #should be changed to
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -shared -Wl,-soname, -o $@ $(ALLOBJ) $(ALLXOBJ) $(DEPRECATED)

    #in the file ./utils/Makefile, the following three lines
    lib: $(OBJ)
       $(ARCH) $(ARCHFLAGS) ../../$(LAPACKELIB) $(OBJ)
       $(RANLIB) ../../$(LAPACKELIB)
    #should be changed to
    lib: $(OBJ)
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -shared -Wl,-soname, -o ../../$(LAPACKELIB) $(OBJ)

    sudo cp ../liblapacke.* /usr/local/lib
    cp lapacke.h lapacke_config.h lapacke_mangling.h lapacke_utils.h to /usr/local/include